The percentage of physicians receiving payments from pharma and device companies has decreased since implementation of the Open Payments database in 2014.

A report recently published in JAMA highlighted changes resulting from the 2014 launch of the Open Payments database. The percentage of physicians who received industry payments has decreased but the total value of those payments reported to the Open Payments database has remained unchanged across all specialties – except for primary care. Noted in the research letter, in 2014, 52.2% of doctors accepted at least one industry payment from a drug or device maker while that number declined to 45% in 2018. For the period from 2014 to 2018, 49.8 million payments were made to physicians  with a combined total of $9.3 billion USD. The total value was highest in medical specialties ($3.4 billion) and surgical specialties ($3.9 billion) respectively.